Expert Chicago SEO Company

Victorious is 3x Global SEO Agency of the Year — and we're local.

Your SEO strategy should be as innovative as you are, with search engine optimization services tailored to your digital marketing needs.

Chicago Skyline

Award Winning Agency

We're leading digital marketing and SEO companies in Chicago with the most industry SEO awards and accolades.

Industry Respected Leader

Victorious has been featured as an SEO expert in Forbes, CBS, Huffington Post, and other global publications.

Trusted Chicago SEO Services

Packed with Purpose, Sidley Austin, Groupon, and other top businesses in Chicago trust Victorious to drive their SEO success.

Chicago SEO Services

Dependable Chicago SEO Services From Edison Park to East Side

Chicago is home to some of the most influential and fastest-growing companies in the country, if not the world. At Victorious, our team of experts, go-getters, and all-around amazing people work hard for Chicago’s innovative companies with custom-tailored SEO campaigns and persistent effort.

We’re not the digital marketing agency that “practices” search engine optimization (in addition to other services like PPC management, social media marketing, social media management, content marketing, web design, web development, and email marketing).

Instead, we focus on doing one thing so unbelievably well, it’ll knock your socks off.

Our Chicago SEO experts use their extensive experience to transform your digital marketing plan using a blend of target keywords, content marketing services, local SEO strategy, mobile optimization, and more that boost website traffic and lead generation.

Link Building Services at Scale

On paper, link building seems like a simple process. But high-quality link-building services can get pretty complicated and overwhelming.

At our SEO company in Chicago, you only pay for the links we place. Plus, we give you transparency into our process.

Keyword Research

For each SEO campaign, our keyword research services map out themes that are based on driving traffic to conversion-ready URLs to drive traffic and lead generation.

Then, we target relevant keywords that have a certain volume and keyword difficulty threshold and pair those keywords to those pages.

SEO Content Services

At the intersection of keyword research and SEO strategy, you'll find our SEO content writing services complete the foundation of a successful SEO campaign.

We integrate into your existing content marketing and digital marketing efforts to deliver strategic guidance and boost your topical authority.

On-Page SEO Services

From our SEO audit service to our featured snippet optimization service, Victorious provides a wide variety of on-page SEO services to improve your site's search engine rankings.

What makes our on-page SEO services unique from any other SEO provider? Their focused application within a larger strategic methodology. You won't find slap-dash tactics here.

Off-Page SEO Services

A comprehensive search engine optimization strategy maximizes your online visibility by optimizing everything on your site — and then some!

Off-page SEO services connect the dots of topical authority and relevance to elevate your position in Google search results.

Scalable SEO Campaigns

Each systematized SEO campaign drives repeatable results. The beauty of our methodology is that it bends and flexes to meet your online marketing needs.

From small businesses to ecommerce stores and beyond, our SEO company helps you gain a competitive advantage in your niche.

Dedicated Teams

At Victorious, we use a “pod” structure, which gives you a primary point of contact you can depend on, plus an extended team that’s up-to-speed on what’s happening with your SEO strategy. The result is consistent and continuous support, even when someone takes some well-deserved time off.

Real-Time Analytics

Digestible and extensive reporting empowers our customers to understand their unique SEO campaigns fully. Every report can be customized to show exactly what you want to know, and they're available 24/7.

Digital Marketing Solutions From Chicago SEO Experts

Unparalleled Chicago SEO Services

Victorious takes the unknown out of SEO services with a transparent methodology that effectively improves your SEO rankings.

Singular Focus on One Goal at a Time
The difference between questionable and clear-cut results? A master-of-one approach. From keyword research to backlink acquisition, every aspect of your strategy centers on achieving one goal at a time.

Systemized Plans That Flex To Fit Your Needs
Your SEO strategy should be as unique as your business. Our proven methodology delivers reliable results while flexing to your specific needs for a custom-fit experience you can trust.

Diversified Services Rooted in Innovation
The last thing you need is an SEO provider that pretends to know it all. We stay curious about changes in search so we can innovate our services to support rank retention and long-term gains. You'll understand what we're doing and why we're every step of the way. Victorious doesn't have a "secret recipe." We use real SEO experts to evaluate actual results and test best practices to earn first-page rankings and organic traffic for your business.

Our heart and soul are in Chicago

We Our Chicago Customers

The Windy City’s potential and promise extend well past the Loop. Each distinct Chicago neighborhood houses the aspirations of Midwest entrepreneurs ready to leave their mark.

In such a competitive city, it takes a lot of work to stand out. That’s where we come in. Each custom, high-ROI SEO campaign uses all the top strategies to make sure you’re seen.

As the top SEO company in Chicago, we take pride in helping our hometown neighbors succeed with their SEO campaigns. We make sure you achieve and exceed your revenue goals, obtaining sustainable growth over time.

The one thing we know we can’t do when it comes to SEO campaigns is to apply cookie-cutter techniques to every business. We aren’t like the “experts” who apply quick and dirty strategies to artificially boost short-term results.

We’ve been doing SEO campaigns long enough to know what works and what doesn’t. And nothing we do will ever harm your business. You’ll have our guarantee, along with full transparency into our methodologies.

Living and working in Chicago

Victorious Employees Choose Chicago

With a fully-remote office, our employees live and work in the places they love. With so many things to love about Chicago, it’s understandable why Andreas Tsironis is proud to call it home.

Chicago weather is amazing, and I’ve fallen in love with the vibe here. Plus, it’s home to a variety of local businesses that I like to support. After living in LA for 3 years, Chicago has been a breath of fresh air. I always tell people it has all the benefits of LA — weather, great food, fun things to do, amazing beaches — with less hassle.”

Andreas Tsironis
Andreas Tsironis
Customer Success Manager

One of the Nation's Top SEO companies

Why Choose Victorious?

Our SEO firm has crafted a rigorous and reliable SEO methodology that combines technology and people to land you first-page results in search engines.

The People Behind the Process

We pull back the curtain on our processes and are fully transparent about how we’ll meet your goals. You won’t find jargon and vanity metrics here. Instead, you’ll find experienced practitioners who take a deliberate approach to your success.

Our proven, repeatable methodology frees us up to cultivate a meaningful partnership with you. We function as an extension of your team and lean into your niche to translate our SEO know-how into a focused strategy unique to your business.

  • Why Hire a Chicago SEO Company?
  • Local SEO for Chicago Companies
  • A Chicago SEO Company That Lives the Chi-Town Life
  • How We Empower Our Customers in Chicago
  • Mobile-First SEO Strategies Drive More Customers to Your Chicago-Based Business
  • Enterprise SEO in Chicago
  • Are You an Ecommerce Business in Chicago?
  • SEO Delivered With Data, Designed for Results
  • What It Means To Be an SEO-Only Agency in Chicago

Why Hire a Chicago SEO Company?

One of the primary benefits of hiring a Chicago SEO agency is that we’ll take care of the necessary technical details and do the legwork to rank your website for the local market.

Bringing a trusted Chicago SEO expert is a hands-free way to continually drive customers to your business via search engines.

Google gives priority to local listings, so they appear at the top of SERPs for queries in your area. Using local search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your site for search engines gives you a competitive advantage so you can beat out other business listings in your area.

Local SEO for Chicago Companies

Another huge benefit to hiring an SEO company in Chicago are our local SEO services — including our approach to Google Maps Search. Do you have a Google Business Profile? If so, we can help you rank in the rich map snippets of search results, giving you a better opportunity to capture leads and customers. We use the same strategies on your account that we’ve used to position ourselves in the top Google rankings for “Chicago local SEO company.”

99% of Americans searched for local business information in the past year (BrightLocal, 2022).

Did you show up for them?

With 35% of US users performing local searches weekly, another huge benefit to hiring a Chicago SEO company, as opposed to any old internet marketing agency, is our approach to Google Maps Search.

Learn more about how we can optimize your Google Business Profile and start landing some rich map snippets in Google search results.

A Chicago SEO Company That Lives the Chi-Town Life

When you hire SEO consultants, you’re investing in your local SEO presence. We understand Chicago, its landmarks, and the semantic search engine optimization opportunities for your company that another marketing agency will miss.
We’re ready to launch more Chicago companies to the top of search engine results. Get to know Victorious and all that we can do for you. Schedule a free web analysis today.

How We Empower Our Customers in Chicago

Our educational library empowers you to understand and communicate SEO progress to stakeholders. Our customer-only Knowledge Base details our services and shares strategic insights — direct from our strategists.

Mobile-First SEO Strategies Drive More Customers to Your Chicago-Based Business

Mobile Usage Is on the Rise

More and more people are using their mobile devices to search for local businesses and services — with 66% of all global website traffic generated from mobile devices.

A mobile-first approach ensures that your website is optimized for mobile-minded users and provides them with a positive experience.

Local Searches via Mobile

Many local searches are done on the go with mobile devices. A mobile-optimized website makes it easier for users to find and interact with your business when they are searching for local services.

Google’s Mobile-First Indexing

Google has announced that it will be using mobile-first indexing, which means that the mobile version of a website will be used to determine its ranking in the search results. This makes mobile optimization even more important than ever for local businesses.

Positive User Experience on Mobile Devices

A mobile-optimized website provides users with a positive experience, increasing the likelihood that they will become customers. A website that is not optimized for mobile devices may be difficult to navigate and cause users to leave quickly.

Enterprise SEO in Chicago

As enterprise SEO experts, our customized solutions meet you where you are, complete with a dedicated team that’s responsive to your vision.

Scalable SEO Solutions

You need a custom strategy that works at scale. Our enterprise-sized solutions integrate into your environment for a demonstrable impact on your KPMs.

Synergistic Partnership

You’re an SEO expert in your own right, and we respect your strategic vision. Our job is to adapt and deliver on your plan.

Site Migration Assistance

Avoid precipitous traffic drops with an enterprise-savvy site migration partner to build a thoughtful site update strategy.

Vigilant Technical SEO

Website architecture and technical SEO issues that inhibit Google indexing can devastate your organic search rankings. Regularly conducting an enterprise SEO audit reveals crawl issues before they impact your enterprise website.

Are You an Ecommerce Business in Chicago?

The best ecommerce SEO services for your business will deliver customized, scalable solutions to capture converting traffic.

Keywords That Power Conversions

With ecommerce SEO, ranking keywords mean nothing if they don’t drive converting traffic. Ecommerce keyword research services balance commercial intent and low-competition terms to boost your ROI from the start.

SEO Ecommerce Content

Helpful content, from product descriptions to blog articles, attracts curious searchers and builds authority that fuels visibility in SERPs.

Optimized Product Pages

Product page optimization drives conversion-ready traffic and shortens the journey from search to purchase. Supported by a keyword strategy, you’ll maximize opportunities to increase sales.

Technical SEO for Better Online Sales

Our SEO audit services reveal invisible barriers between you and potential customers.

SEO Delivered With Data, Designed for Results

Victorious is the exception among digital marketing agencies because we do one thing — and we do it exceedingly well.

We don’t believe in sidelining SEO as a supporting tactic. Instead, we double down on the sustainable power of organic search to establish a marketing pipeline that serves as a high-conversion traffic channel.

Focused innovation and time-proven systems yield outsized ROI for our customers — giving them an advantage over the competition.

Over the years, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes take control of their search visibility, winning over 75 SEO agency awards along the way. See what our full suite of SEO services can do for you.

What It Means To Be an SEO-Only Agency in Chicago

Concentrating solely on SEO works for our customers and us — elevating Victorious above a crowded field of full-service marketing agencies who offer everything and specialize in nothing. Our single-minded focus on transforming organic search into a high-conversion marketing channel in its own right, gives us the space to experiment, innovate, and go deep on strategies that yield big results.

Skeptical that an SEO-only agency can drive the same results as a digital marketing firm or other internet marketing agency that offers other digital marketing services? Our recent Best Large Agency of the Year award is a pretty good sign that we’re on to something big.

Victory in Chicago looks like…

…being named the 2022 Best Large Agency by US Agency Awards. This honor ranks us at the top of not only SEO agencies but all marketing agencies.

Explore more of our accolades.


2022 Best Large Agency

This honor ranks us at the top of not only other SEO agencies but all internet marketing agencies. Explore more of our accolades.


Making Measurable Gains in Chicago

Victorious was named a top global b2b company by Clutch in 2022.

Discover why Clutch ranked Victorious in the top 1% of service providers on the platform across the globe — read more customer reviews.

Every victory matters, and we’re here to celebrate them.

Our work is inspired by seeing your business thrive, from helping an established SaaS company improve customer acquisition costs to building traction for a start-up or helping classic brands hold their own against ecommerce giants.

Our mission is to provide the best SEO services possible, so you shine in the spotlight.

Victorious SEO decoration wave
Our Favorite Success Stories

When companies want an SEO company that is truly the Market Leader, they choose Victorious.

We're the only Chicago SEO agency to win Agency of the Year from both the US Search Awards® and Search Engine Land®.

See how Victorious helped SoFi rank #1 for "Student Loan Refinance."
Victorious is personal, reliable, and adaptable. I highly recommend them.
Jeff Tucker
Director of SEO - SoFi
Lychee the Label
See how Victorious helped Lychee The Label increase monthly revenue by 214%.
We appreciate how in-depth Victorious has been with the technical details.
Vanessa & Alec
Co-Founders - Lychee The Label
Learn how content and backlinks helped L3 Funding go from invisible to invincible.
"The results speak for themselves. With SEO, you get what you pay for. They really know the industry and can do SEO the right way. "
- L3 Funding

Where We Are

Victorious is a fully distributed organization headquartered in San Francisco:
548 Market St. #41895
San Francisco, CA 94104

Learn All About SEO

Our blog is chock full of in-depth SEO content created by our in-house experts. Discover topics ranging from basic SEO principles to breakdowns of Google-based tools and much more.

Join Our Team!

Our employees live and work in every time zone in the country, and we’re always looking for great talent. Check out our job listings.

Victorious is headquarters are in San Fransisco, CA

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