Keyword research tells a story.

Reach Your Target Audience With Keyword Research Services

From identifying seed keywords to honing in on search intent, our keyword research process uses actionable data to help you learn what your customers are searching for and why.

Deliberate Keyword Themes

We don't cherry-pick keywords at random. Instead, we do what Google's crawlers do: look for keyword themes. These themes set the tone and direction for your entire campaign to build cumulative gains toward your unique goals. They serve as the foundation to your overall SEO strategy.

Targeted Search Intent

Sure, we walk Google's walk, but we also talk Google's talk. We don't simply add terms to a keyword list because they happen to fit into the theme — we also factor in search intent. The intent of a query dictates the type of content you'll create, how you craft it, and where you put it so you can reach the right people at the right time.

High-Value Keywords

When selecting keywords to focus on within a thematic group, we'll dial in on the keywords that'll have the most potential to drive qualified traffic from search engines. Our keyword research service looks at a combination of search volume and competition to discover which keywords represent the strongest conversion opportunities.

Reliable Performance Tracking

You'll have 24/7 access to our real-time reporting platform where you can view how our SEO keyword research service is driving results, including current keyword rankings, organic traffic growth, and more. By setting a data-centric foundation for your campaign, we can granularly track organic traffic revenue attribution, taking the guesswork out of determining the ROI of your SEO strategy.

Total Process Transparency

You won't find any vanity metrics here. We pull back the curtain on our processes and are fully transparent about how we'll meet your goals, from the keyword research tools we use to how we analyze keywords and translate keyword data into a successful strategy.

Scalable Keyword Growth

Launching a startup with limited capital? No problem. Want to start with our foundational services before ramping up the budget? Sounds good to us. All of our campaigns are built for seamless scalability, so your SEO strategy can grow alongside your business.

Strategic Keyword Opportunities

We'll also identify keywords your competitors are unintentionally ranking for (meaning they didn't deliberately optimize their page to rank for them) so you can create new content to rank for these terms. By leveraging this gap in your competitor's strategy, you can improve your search visibility and potentially draw traffic away from them.

Rank-Worthy Results You Can Count On

Keyword Research Services That Turn Insights Into Action

We base our SEO campaigns on verifiable, results-driven thematic keywords so you can outrank the competition and feel confident in a long-term SEO strategy.

Get first-page results for the phrases people actually search for.

  • Why Is Keyword Research Important?
  • How Do Keyword Research Services Work?
  • How Do You Find the Best Keywords?
  • A Note on Zero Volume Keyword Research

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

Keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign.

On a surface level, they’re the words typed into a search box, be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Beyond that, they reveal important details about customers: what they’re searching for and why it matters to them.

So it’s not just about finding keywords that are popular — it’s about putting yourself in your customer’s shoes.

How Do Keyword Research Services Work?

Keyword research is the process of identifying the phrases people are using to search for a certain service, product, or solution.

SEO keyword research services follow a process that, by strategically choosing the right keywords, ultimately assists users in finding what they’re looking for. It’s less about targeting search terms that talk about what your site provides and more about bringing the right visitors to your site from search results.

By targeting the motivations of your customers and where they are in their buyer’s journey, a keyword ranking service can be the bridge between you and your potential customers.

How Do You Find the Best Keywords?

First let’s define two types of keywords: head terms and long-tail keywords.

Head terms are keywords that are broad in nature (e.g. “dog food”). They’re typically shorter and, because they’re not very specific, sometimes have a higher monthly search volume. While head terms might seem like ideal phrases to target, their lack of specificity means you have more competition and less accuracy in who you’re targeting.

Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, are a bit longer and more specific (e.g. “best grain free dog food”). While these terms are searched less often than head terms, ~70% of the keywords used in search queries every day are long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are an incredibly effective way to gain traffic by ranking higher for terms that users are actually searching for with specific intent — and keyword services can help you target them correctly.

A Note on Zero Volume Keyword Research

At a glance, keywords with little or no search volume might not seem worth your time, and many search engine optimization novices would agree. However, SEO experts know that these keywords are full of potential.

A low volume keyword today might be a high volume keyword tomorrow.

Zero volume keyword research presents an opportunity to start ranking for certain terms before your competitors. It’s also an opportunity to build topical authority, so you’re more likely to rank higher for more difficult keywords later on.

Victorious SEO decoration wave

Real Results From an Award-Winning Keyword Research Agency

Exceptional Villas
See how Victorious helped Exceptional Villas achieve a 780% ROI in 2 Years
Their leadership makes the process so seamless. From project management to communication, it's all exceptional!
Alex Baradi
President - Exceptional Villas
Keyword Service ROI

Measuring Keyword Research Success

Organic Traffic Growth

Optimizing your website using specific keywords helps search engine crawlers recognize your authority. If they’re able to easily crawl your site and find helpful, relevant content for a query, your site has a better chance of ranking higher in search engine results. And the higher your site ranks for important keywords, the more qualified traffic you’ll attract.

Using keyword research and keyword analysis services to grow organic traffic provides long-term results while being cost-effective compared to paid search.

Click-Through Rate

A click-through rate (CTR) refers to how often people click on a call-to-action (CTA), whether it’s in an email, an ad, or directly on your website.

CTRs gauge how well your keywords and CTAs are performing, so you can see where you might need to make adjustments. CTRs also help determine if leads generated by your SEO campaign can be classified as marketing qualified leads.

Goal and Ecommerce Tracking

Goal tracking and ecommerce tracking help communicate the effectiveness of your SEO campaign. All Victorious SEO campaigns employ goal and ecommerce tracking to demonstrate the effectiveness of our keyword research and keyword analysis service.

By tracking metrics, we can clearly communicate how increased traffic becomes increased leads, which then turns into increased revenue.

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