Cannabis SEO to Grow Your Business

Well-trimmed SEO strategies for your cannabis marketing needs

Although cannabis companies have been propped up by the growth of the industry as a whole, only those with a strong business plan will see success in this flourishing market. Our proven SEO strategy for cannabis-related businesses can elevate your website onto the first page of Google.

Keyword Strategy

Intuitive keywords are selected by Victorious that match commercial, volume, and competition levels to deliver new customers.

Unmatched Technical SEO

Victorious ranks high value geo-specific pages using 200+ optimization factors to outpace and outrank your competition.

Small Business Link Building

The Victorious combination of technology and people can acquire unlimited hyper-targeted links with Google-approved metrics from new referring domains to any desired page on your website.

Establish a competitive foothold

Growing Your Business Through Cannabis SEO

The cannabis industry is budding throughout North America. Marijuana-related businesses are flourishing from the medicinal and recreational legalization of cannabis. Valued at $13.21 billion in 2018, the North American cannabis industry analysis predicts that the cannabis market value is set to reach $36.7 billion by 2025.

Long gone are the days of sketchy homemade pot brownies. As the industry refines itself through market expansion and the diversification of its cannabis-related products and services (THC-infused fine dining, anyone?), emerging cannabis companies are refining their business practices to legitimize their standing in a growingly competitive industry.

An essential factor in building a cannabis business plan comes from creating a detail-oriented online marketing strategy. However, determining a strategy comes with its challenges – particularly when dealing in the cannabis industry. One of the major growing pains for cannabis companies is the limited opportunity to market their business through paid search (i.e. Google Ads) or paid social (i.e. Facebook). Major advertising platforms disallow cannabis-related companies from pushing out ads due to federal regulations, hindering their ability to drive traffic through these channels.

As a result, cannabis companies must have a strong organic online presence to establish themselves as industry leaders. So regardless if you side with hydroponic or organic cannabis growth – one truth remains absolute: Cannabis SEO is required to elevate your marijuana business to an all-time high.

How to Market Your
Online Cannabis Business

  • What is Cannabis SEO Marketing?
  • Why Do Cannabis Businesses Need SEO?
  • Creating a Potent SEO Strategy
  • Smoke Out Your Competition

What is Cannabis SEO Marketing?

Cannabis or CBD marketing through search engine optimization (SEO) is the hybrid process of optimizing your website by writing comprehensive industry-related content, in combination with building a backlinking strategy to align with best practices laid out by popular search engines like Google and Bing. 

Unveiling the black box that is ‘Marijuana SEO’, our goal is to optimize search queries pertaining to your business. In doing so, interested browsers will gain exposure to your website via search engine result pages (SERPs). As you rank higher for relevant keywords, the more visibility your website will receive. This will allow more qualified visitors to organically find your business online, and ultimately, engage with your website – be it product sales, online orders, newsletter subscriptions or other user interactions (eg. content downloads, phone calls, or form submissions). 

In short, any cannabis online market that sells cannabis products, services, or has a contact form on their website to inquire about their business online, benefits from optimizing their website to drive qualified traffic. With the number of companies already doing this today, any business not leveraging SEO will be at a large disadvantage as they are missing out on converting visitors into customers.

Why Do Cannabis Businesses Need SEO?

If your cannabis business will rely on online sales or awareness to survive, having a strong SEO presence is essential. Because of the restrictions surrounding paid advertising for cannabis, all cannabis-related companies should consider investing in a Cannabis SEO strategy, as it is the best alternative to drive organic traffic to your website. 

Organic competition is further magnified as competitors battle for search result position for their particular niches – whether it be for mobile or desktop visitors.  Fortunately, many of your competitors either struggle to do SEO successfully or they lack an SEO plan altogether. Having a website with no SEO is quite literally giving customers to your competition – 91% of the time a potential customer goes to Google to start shopping for an item, they only click on the first page of listings. Is marijuana SEO right for your business? Absolutely! You need the help of cannabis SEO experts if your business falls into any of these categories:

  • Cannabis Ecommerce
  • Local Weed Producers/Sellers
  • Branded Cannabis Products/Accessories
  • Wholesale Cannabis Products and Services
  • Cannabis Product Variations (oil, dry leaves, etc.)
  • Cannabis Resellers
  • Cannabis Transporters
  • Dispensaries (Medical or Recreational)

Creating a Potent SEO Strategy

If you’re looking to build a sustainable, well-rounded cannabis website, then focusing on optimizing your site, building strong content and having a backlinking strategy in place are all crucial to your success. That being said, our SEO agency can help with a number of additional SEO Strategies, including but not limited to:

  • Thematic Keyword Research – establish keywords that drive business to your core pages/products
  • Local SEO/Google My Business Optimization – crucial for establishing a presence on Google Maps/Map Stacks for local businesses like dispensaries and resellers
  • Marijuana-related Competition Analysis – leveraging content gaps to outrank your larger competitors
  • Conversion Optimization – understand what factors best help your site capture more leads/sales
  • Manual Link/Citation Disavow – trimming any bad links/citations on the web
  • Citation Building – nurture your business’ presence with local citations for greater local authority

Lastly, link equity is the most important factor when it comes to SEO according to Google. Linking correctly and efficiently will be your golden ticket to boost your ranking. The problem, however, is that it could take someone hundreds of hours to get enough links to make any sort of impact. This is where Victorious steps in to completely change the way links are acquired by helping you build a portfolio of strong links. 

The three most important aspects to links are as follows: thematically relevant page content, domain ranking, and ideal anchor text placement. Victorious uses a proprietary method of getting quality links that combines technology and people to programmatically, at scale, identify broken links on thematically relevant websites and contact website owners to get it replaced with exact match anchor text. Streamlining the hardest aspect to SEO is just one of the reasons why Victorious is the market leader as the SEO cannabis marketing agency of choice for you.

Smoke Out Your Competition

Investing with an award-winning agency like Victorious gives you a competitive advantage against the major players in your industry. 

It is also important for cannabis companies to determine their target keyword themes that are most relevant to the business. A fundamental SEO factor is to identify search queries with various levels of search intent that engage different stages of your buyer journey. This will provide more valuable opportunities for prospective visitors to discover your website and nurture their awareness of your brand. 

Victorious has partnered with both emerging and enterprise cannabis businesses to create a channel for sustainable, long term organic traffic, resulting in triple-digit revenue growth while exceeding ROI expectations.

No matter the size of your company, organic traffic is the most scalable and affordable way to acquire new customers. Organic traffic allows you to maximize your website’s profitability with unique customers who previously were unaware of your website. On average, 2.5% of visitors to a website turn into customers. With this logic, one could assume that for every 1000 organic visitors from SEO, your business will receive 25-30 new customers.

Victorious SEO decoration wave
Oji Vape Case Study
Discover How This Cannabis Company Broke out of the Wild West of Digital Marketing and Increased Their Users by 555%.
After cycling through multiple SEO companies and seeing no results, I finally came across Victorious. Choosing to work with Victorious is hands down one of the best business investment decisions I have ever made.
Adnan F.
Founder - Oji Vape
How Victorious takes SEO ROI

Campaign Metrics

Goal Tracking
Call Tracking

Ecommerce tracking works similarly as goal tracking but the metrics tracked differs slightly. For cannabis-related businesses whose POS (point of sale) is integrated directly on its website, ecommerce tracking provides a comprehensive overview of data for online dispensary SEO campaigns. By segmenting our traffic data through various filters such as organic search, social media, or email marketing, we can determine which channels are most effective. This allows businesses to realize opportunities to scale their marketing efforts to increase bottom-line revenue generated.

Whether as a local online dispensary or as a global cannabis publication, goal tracking is essential to gauge the effectiveness of an SEO campaign. All Victorious SEO campaigns use goal and eCommerce tracking to depict if and how organic visitors are engaging with your website. Tracking these metrics allow for your business to close the loop on your marketing efforts in order to gain the insights necessary from your customers.

Return-on-investment (ROI) is the ultimate indicator of success in determining the ways SEO has boosted organic traffic to your cannabis-related website, which can be tracked to how your target keywords perform on search engine result pages. Victorious reporting highlights metrics that focus on revenue generated and ROI to see notable wins, as well as areas for improvement. By analyzing the source from which the revenue was generated, like organic traffic or email sequences, Victorious can determine active channels and optimize appropriately. The account management in our SEO services includes monthly reports that focus on revenue generated and return on investment to see notable wins in your SEO campaign, as well as areas for improvement and possible increases in SEO practices.

Many businesses such as cannabis wholesalers, call tracking provides the source of your phone calls and conversions using a call-forwarded phone number to track the source of the call – organic, pay-per-click, and even offline advertising. Using dynamic number insertion, Victorious can also track the keyword, source of conversion, and other pertinent information about the call to accurately track SEO ROI and conversion rates for your cannabis business.

Victorious SEO metrics dashboard for desktop and mobile
2021 SEO Market Leader

Why choose Victorious?

Victorious specializes in SEO strategies that not only win awards but drive bottom-line results.

Scalable Campaigns

Launching a startup with limited capital? No problem. Want to test our process before ramping up your budget? Sounds good to us. With Victorious, all campaigns are structured to allow for seamless scalability. We'll prove our model, and you'll see revenue soar.

Scalable SEO Team

ROI Obsessed

Yield positive ROI with Victorious' data-centric SEO strategy. Whether you're a small business or a Fortune 500, every dollar counts. Victorious' sole success metric is ROI - if you're not earning, we're not succeeding. Never again guess if SEO is generating a net-positive return - your team and your investors will love the financial insight.

Lightning Fast Ramp Up

Fully operational in 45 days or less. Don't wait months to see ROI - with Victorious' industry-leading 200+ Point SEO Audit you can experience results faster than any other agency.

Lighting Fast Ramp Up

Seamless Team Integration

Gain a dedicated in-house SEO team without hiring a dedicated in-house SEO team. Victorious works as an extension of your team in collaboration with your ideas, goals, and marketing initiatives. Meanwhile, you gain valuable SEO insight from a collective group of SEO experts that share challenges and solutions for ever-improving SEO strategy.

Seamless SEO Team
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