SEO Solutions From an Ecommerce SEO Expert

In a tough market, ecommerce stores face unique SEO challenges. Capturing converting traffic starts with a scalable, custom-fit ecommerce SEO strategy that optimizes across the board, from category pages with title tags and meta descriptions to site speed and Google Search Console management — all in partnership with an experienced ecommerce SEO company.

Keywords That Power Conversions

Ranking keywords don't mean anything if they don't drive converting traffic to ecommerce websites. Targeted keyword research services balance commercial intent and low-competition terms to boost your search engine rankings and ROI.

Optimized Product Pages

Product page optimization can drive conversion-ready traffic and shorten the journey from search to purchase. Supported by specialized keyword research, you’ll maximize opportunities to increase sales on your ecommerce website.

Guaranteed Link Building

Our diversified backlink-building service is people-powered and tech-enabled. Links from referring domains demonstrate trust to customers and search engines alike. The guarantee? You only pay for the links we acquire.

Keyword Research for Ecommerce Websites

Keyword recommendations for product detail pages (PDPs) and product listing pages (PLPs) require a uniquely scalable approach. Our online shop SEO services include specialized keyword research services to implement at the template level of your ecommerce platform.

Technical SEO for Better Online Sales

Website architecture and technical issues that inhibit Google indexing have an outsized impact on organic ecommerce traffic. Our SEO audit services reveal invisible barriers between you and potential customers.

SEO Ecommerce Content

Helpful content attracts product-curious searchers and builds the topical authority that fuels visibility in SERPs. Diverse SEO content services scale to meet your needs — from product descriptions to blog articles.

Link Building for Your Ecommerce Store

Since product pages rarely earn backlinks, our search engine optimization campaigns combine information-rich SEO content with link-building services. Strategic content-link pairings highlight your expertise and boost page rank.

Diversified Ecommerce SEO Services

When you choose to work with ecommerce SEO experts who specialize in SEO strategies, you benefit from focus, innovation, and the concentrated value of a diversified suite of ecommerce SEO services.

Our systematic ecommerce SEO process is proven and repeatable, but that doesn't mean it's one-size-fits-all.

Your ecommerce SEO campaign will be built around your unique business goals using the systems and processes we've tested and refined over time.

Flexible ecommerce SEO services provide the opportunity to customize your campaign and increase momentum, so your online store rises in search engine rankings.


Get Ahead of Privacy Updates

With increasing privacy restrictions taking a bite out of third-party cookies, you can’t count on someone else’s data to drive new business to your online store or retarget previous site visitors.

Regardless of the ecommerce platform your online store uses — ShopifyWooCommerceBigCommerce, WordPress, or Magento — SEO is a cookie-free way to find your audience, earn their trust, and win their business.

Specialized SEO for Your Ecommerce Business

  • Why Work With an Ecommerce SEO Company?
  • Common Barriers to Ecommerce Search Visibility
  • The Benefits of Ecommerce SEO Services
  • What to Expect From Your Ecommerce SEO Campaign
  • What About Ecommerce Content Marketing?

Why Work With an Ecommerce SEO Company?

Data from the Ecommerce Foundation’s United States Ecommerce Country Report indicates that 88% of customers start their buying journey with search engines.

These buyers want to make an informed decision and are looking for reviews, comparisons, and other information that can help them purchase from online stores with confidence.

While paid search and display ads will bring some traffic to your website, ad blockers and ad blindness reduce the ROI of your advertising spend. And the minute you stop paying for ads, they stop driving traffic.

On the other hand, while a search engine optimization campaign requires an upfront investment, its effectiveness compounds over time and brings in better converting customers.

If your ecommerce website doesn’t appear in search engine results when buyers search for product information, you’ll lose customers to other ecommerce websites that have invested in optimizing their category pages for search engines.

Common Barriers to Ecommerce Search Visibility

No matter which one of the ecommerce platforms you use, an ecommerce SEO agency can help you navigate potential pitfalls that impact your ecommerce website’s search visibility, such as:

Faceted Navigation
Filters are an effective way to guide users to the information they’re looking for. But if your technical search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t in order, they can generate something we call “index bloat,” which makes it difficult for search engines to find and index your important pages.

Structured Data
Prospective buyers seek product reviews to inform their purchase decisions. Structured data is an essential on-page SEO element to help search engines identify reviews for your products. If not implemented correctly, your product pages won’t stand out in competitive, commercial-intent search results.

Internal Link Architecture
Without a comprehensive internal linking strategy, large ecommerce websites can experience Googlebot crawl issues that make it difficult to index pages and break the flow of link equity, which is a critical ranking factor.

The Benefits of Ecommerce SEO Services

Working with an ecommerce SEO company can bring enormous value to your business. Our customers experience distinct advantages in the market by partnering with us.

Connecting with the Right Shoppers
Your potential customers will never know your online store exists without an effective search engine optimization strategy. They may be ready to buy, but if your online store isn’t optimized for search, they won’t find your products in search results. The top job of a great ecommerce SEO company is making sure your business is easily discoverable to buyers.

Matching Intent to Your Buyer’s Journey
Your prospective customers are looking for different information at each stage of their buying journey. A comprehensive SEO campaign optimizes for targeted keywords at the top, middle, and bottom of your marketing funnel to help you build a healthy customer base and sustainably grow revenue.

Helping You Compete in a Tough Market
The ecommerce space is crowded, and new competitors are entering the market every day. As consumers grow more cautious in seeking out the best value for their dollars, search visibility is critical to building trust and guiding them to your products.

What to Expect From Your Ecommerce SEO Campaign

What separates us from other ecommerce SEO companies is a focus on strategy. Anyone can offer you a menu of slap-dash tactics that don’t move the needle on your goals. We offer a unique methodology that brings everything together in a concentrated effort to build topical authority and search visibility for your business.

Your year-long ecommerce SEO strategy is front-loaded with goal-setting and an aggressive audit and keyword research schedule. Each subsequent SEO activity — from backlinking strategies to product page optimization — systematically maps to a focused set of keywords that support your objectives.

Digging deep into what you need to achieve and mapping a custom ecommerce SEO strategy to your goals guarantees that your campaign resources are all directed toward generating a specific result.

Example Calendar of SEO Company Services — 12-Month Campaign

Every customer’s SEO campaign is tailored to their specific needs, but each follows the general rhythm outlined below.

1st Quarter

  • Strategic goal setting
  • Keyword research
  • Technical site audits
  • Backlink analysis
  • Robots.txt optimization

2nd Quarter

  • SEO content to build topical authority
  • Link building
  • Core Web Vital analysis
  • On page optimization
  • Ongoing site audits

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

  • Renewed competitive analysis
  • EAT recommendations
  • Continued link & content building with relevant keywords
  • Ongoing site monitoring
  • ROI analysis & annual goal assessment

What About Ecommerce Content Marketing?

Content is a critical component of search success. That’s why we built an entire team dedicated to helping you generate the content to fuel your SEO strategy. Sustainable gains in search results depend on building topical authority that earns the trust of search engines and searchers alike. With Google’s helpful content update, generating high-quality content is more important than ever.

Flexible Content Services
Our content services flex to meet your team where it is. If you have internal writers that could use support to create optimized content, our content briefs provide everything they need to know to open up the organic search channel as a reliable distribution tool. No internal writers? No problem! We can generate the content you need to earn trust, build authority, and build long-term growth.

Don’t Forget Product Page Copy
Our SEO content services include optimized product pages. Supported by conversion target keywords, you’ll maximize opportunities to fill ecommerce shopping carts and increase sales. Paired with our conversion optimization services, the right content helps you translate traffic to revenue.

SEO Content With a Purpose
What separates our content services from other SEO agencies or traditional SEO providers? An integrated strategy. We move beyond a price-per-word model to elevate your content beyond the word salad other agencies might produce for you. Our unique system and structure mean that our writers are working closely with your SEO team to guarantee their work adds meaning and momentum to your SEO efforts.

Need More Sales From Search?

Get ecommerce SEO recommendations customized for your business. Our free site analysis delivers value directly to your bottom line.

Drive Organic Ecommerce Sales with a Measurable ROI

Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

For ecommerce businesses whose point of sale sits directly on their website, the Google Analytics (GA) ecommerce tracking feature provides a comprehensive overview of data like average order value, number of orders, and billing location.

With GA ecommerce tracking set up correctly, we can correlate sales data with your organic traffic channel.

From there, determining the ROI of our ecommerce SEO services becomes a simple calculation of dollars invested and increased revenue attributed to organic traffic.

Our customized reporting dashboard provides clear insights that are easily translatable to stakeholders in your organization.

Google Analytics Goal Tracking
While revenue generation is a compelling metric to track, other types of conversions might serve as leading indicators for future sales.

Our ecommerce SEO agency can set up Google Analytics to track important events on your website, such as email sign-ups, wishlist additions, or social media shares.

By monitoring metrics upstream of sales, you can connect organic traffic increases to top-of-funnel opportunities to nurture new customers.

This kind of tracking demonstrates the value of SEO to future-proof your revenue generation.

Sustainable Revenue
An ecommerce SEO consultant should drive traffic directly from search to purchase by targeting your most lucrative conversion points.

If you encounter an ecommerce SEO agency that can’t draw a straight line from the budget you invest to the revenue generated, look for another ecommerce SEO service provider.

Our monthly reports focus on revenue generation and the ROI of your SEO campaign to celebrate notable wins. The hidden bonus of tracking revenue? Those reports reveal even more opportunities for growth.

Long-Term Gains From Ecommerce SEO Services
Initial efforts in your campaign will focus on technical SEO and extensive keyword research to inform high-impact activities that generate immediate traction for your ecommerce brand.

As your campaign progresses, that same keyword research will propel additional on-page SEO and off-site SEO activities — like content creation and link-building — to build topical authority. For an ecommerce brand that wants to future-proof revenue generation, topical authority is the gift that keeps giving — creating gains that compound over time.

While ecommerce SEO services cost more upfront than paid advertising, your business will continue to benefit from search engine optimization long-term.

Generating Online Revenue Gains

Producing Results for Ecommerce Customers

Victorious was named a top global b2b company by Clutch in 2022.

Discover why Clutch ranked Victorious in the top 1% of service providers on the platform across the globe — read more customer reviews.

Every victory matters, and we’re here to celebrate them.

Our work is inspired by seeing your business thrive, from helping an established SaaS company improve customer acquisition costs to building traction for a start-up or helping classic brands hold their own against ecommerce giants.

Our mission is to provide the best SEO services possible, so you shine in the spotlight.

Victorious SEO decoration wave
Our Favorite Success Stories

What Our Ecommerce SEO Clients Have To Say

We're the only ecommerce SEO agency to win Agency of the Year from both the US Search Awards® and Search Engine Land®.

Felix Gray
See how Victorious helped Felix Gray improve their organic search conversion rate by 729%
Victorious has been with us every step of the way. We estimate ROI is over 10 to 1 – I can’t say enough about this team.
Chris Benedict
Founder - Felix Gray
See how Victorious helped Unionbay double revenue from organic traffic.
They produce really great content that also performs well when it comes to SEO.
Jacklyn Story
Marketing Specialist - Unionbay
Gema & Co
See how Victorious helped Gema & Co increase online revenue by 291% in just 6 months.
Gema & Co’s first monthly report resulted in over 1,200 position gains for our target keywords, and they have been growing rapidly ever since
- Gema & Co
Lychee the Label
See how Victorious helped Lychee The Label increase monthly revenue by 214%.
We appreciate how in-depth Victorious has been with the technical details.
Vanessa & Alec
Co-Founders - Lychee The Label

What SEO-Only Delivers for Your Ecommerce Company

A Highly-Trained, Dedicated SEO Agency Team

Every Victorious team member, from top-to-bottom and across every department of the company, is rigorously trained in our SEO best practices.

Why? By being equally equipped to understand the core tenants of our business, our team guarantees you a consistently high-touch experience, whether you’re talking to an account executive, our finance department, or our power-house SEO specialists.

Your campaign team consists of a dedicated pod of ecommerce SEO experts. This guarantees that everyone working on your campaign understands what’s important to your ecommerce business so they can work together to achieve your goals. Building this type of partnership differentiates us as one of the best ecommerce SEO companies in the business.

Project Management

Visual task boards provide full transparency into SEO campaign priorities, activities, and delivery dates. You’ll always be clear on the details of how your team will deliver on your search marketing goals.

Detailed Reporting

Easily digestible reporting empowers our customers to thoroughly understand their ecommerce SEO campaigns and how they fit into their overall digital marketing structure.

Monthly metric walkthroughs provide the talking points you need to bring your stakeholders up to speed on your campaign. And 24/7 access to custom dashboards gives full insight into how your ecommerce SEO strategy is performing whenever you want to check in.

Total Visibility

While other ecommerce SEO agencies might obscure their tactics with jargon and questionable reporting techniques, we offer customers unprecedented transparency into our SEO strategies.

You’ll have access to all of our systems and processes, so you can rest assured that everything we do to increase your online visibility is something you can be proud of.

A Commitment to Education

Gain direct access to our ecommerce SEO experts’ insights in our customer-only Knowledge Base. This growing library of high-quality content guides you through our ecommerce SEO services, deliverable details, and implementation how-tos direct from the SEO strategy specialists at our digital marketing agency.

Do a deep dive into ecommerce search engine optimization tactics and strategies in our public-facing SEO blog, where we pull back the curtain on the search engine optimization “secrets” that inform our ecommerce SEO strategies.


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