Lawyer SEO

Edge out the competition with specialized law firm SEO from Victorious

Get a law firm SEO expert who understands your business so you can spend less time marketing and more time fighting for justice for your clients in the courtroom.

Law Firm SEO

Commercially Viable Keywords

Intuitive keywords are selected by Victorious that match commercial, volume, and competition levels to drive qualified traffic.

Optimized Service Pages

Victorious gets your high-value pages to rank using 200+ optimization factors to outpace and outrank your competition.

Laser-Focused Link Building

Victorious leverages technology and people to acquire hyper-targeted links to the most important pages on your website.

SEO that Helps Your Law Firm Rise Above the Competition

Search Engine Optimization for Lawyers

The legal industry has never been more cut-throat and competitive than it is now. Search engine optimization for lawyers is key to the success of any law firm, regardless of the type of law you specialize in.

While the legal industry has historically been slow to move away from phone calls, billboards, and newspaper ads, the world has moved on. Law firms are increasingly seeing the value of moving online and generating new clients via Google Search.

It’s clear that people searching for a lawyer are increasingly turning to popular search engines to not only find great attorneys, but to compare between different law firms. This level of online research means that law firms are going to find it difficult to make an impact without a strong online presence.

Gain an edge over your competitors by establishing a strong online presence. If you want to expand your clientele and grow your law firm, you need to know about attorney SEO marketing. Naturally, SEO is an extremely broad industry vital to the online success of every industry. To make the most of it, you need to know how SEO relates to the legal trade.

Victorious has earned the reputation as one of the leading SEO agencies in the country with a reliable, systematic approach that follows the best practices set out by Google.

So, why do you need to invest in lawyer SEO? The answer is simple: to capture demand when your target demographic is searching for the services you offer, and find new cases through the inquiries on your site.

Attorney SEO services come with an initial investment, but the results are compounding, with SEO achieving high ROI that compounds over time. Additionally, broad exposure in the communities you serve establishes your firm as the best of the best.

So start with a free SEO consultation and learn more. Victorious’s attorney SEO strategies place your organization in front of your target audience. Investing in lawyer search engine optimization now is an investment in your future. Through personalized, cutting-edge SEO tactics, we can help you reach more prospective clients, acquire more clicks, and, ultimately, land more cases.


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    Outrank Competitors with a Professional SEO Strategy

    • Why Should Law Firms Invest in SEO?
    • Content Marketing for Law Firms
    • Keyword Research for Law Firm Websites
    • Link Building for Attorney SEO Marketing
    • Technical SEO for Law Firm Websites
    • Use Local SEO to Attract Customers

    Why Should Law Firms Invest in SEO?

    Attorneys need to think about SEO because organic search is now the number one research source for anyone looking for a lawyer to fight their corner.

    When consumers enter a search query for a local lawyer on Google, they are looking for a lawyer that showcases their expertise and intent. Your website is the central hub for your law firm’s marketing efforts.

    Not convinced lawyer SEO is a worthwhile investment? If you run a law firm, much of your success hinges not just on your legal experience, but on whether or not you can bring new cases in the door. Without investing in SEO for law firm websites, you’re missing out on a huge stream of revenue.

    Why Law Firm SEO and Not PPC?

    Tried Pay-Per-Click (PPC) to artificially appear on the top line of Google? PPC can be useful for quick leads, but presents two main problems when it comes to lead generation: first, the quality of PPC converters is often lower than organic converters, and second, once you stop paying, your firm will quickly fall away.

    Attorney SEO marketing is an investment in your future. Great content and strong backlists have a lasting impact on your company. A high, organic ranking is evergreen and establishes your site as a business asset.

    Plus, PPC is incredibly expensive and drives costs up. Did you know keywords like “car accident attorney” can cost more than $300 per click?

    Why Lawyer SEO and Not Social Media?

    Social media is critical for extending your brand awareness, if your target audience is located in the networks that you’re leveraging. But while social media is important, search traffic converts at a 10x higher rate than social media traffic.

    Google is better than ever at ensuring your law firm is seen by people who are likely to convert. For targeted, high-converting traffic, Google remains the resource with the highest Return on Investment (ROI), by some margin.

    In short, social media is good for conveying your unique brand attributes and connecting to your audience. But what do you do if your audience isn’t there? To get found by your target audience when they are looking for your services, you can invest in law firm search engine optimization.

    Finding Success with Law Firm SEO

    SEO is a fluid, multi-dimensional concept. Law firms can’t succeed by just haphazardly publishing a blog every so often. At Victorious, our SEO experts produce tailored strategies to cover all the main bases of lawyer search engine optimization.

    It is this multi-pronged approach that enables you to achieve your attorney SEO marketing goals while limiting the time and effort spent on your part.

    At Victorious, we are constantly learning and tweaking our SEO strategies to enable law firms to cope with the advancements made by Google. Since Google’s founding in 1998, appearing on the first page for your chosen keywords has always been important; however, throwing a few vague keywords into your website’s content is no longer enough to become number one.

    A professional, targeted SEO strategy is not only the key to success; it is the bare minimum for every attorney in the digital era.

    Your competitors are already investing in law firm search engine optimization, so why not your firm? Hire a law firm SEO expert today, beat the competition, and stay dominant.

    Content Marketing for Law Firms

    Content is king, and it always will be.

    The written content on your website is the single biggest factor in where you rank on Google. It has always been the aim of Google to provide search results that are relevant to the queries people type into their search bars, so Google crawls your website’s content to predict whether your law firm will meet the needs of a specific search query.

    The more confident Google is in the quality of your content, the higher you will rank.

    So, how does Google use your content to determine where you rank?

    It’s all about outcomes – the actions of the people who click on your links and visit your law firm’s online hub.

    If an individual remains on your website and interacts with your website, Google will see your law firm as relevant to that search result. If they return to Google, your law firm is seen as less relevant. Rinse and repeat thousands of times to determine your ranking.

    Content is the key driver of any successful SEO campaign. Without great, authoritative content that fulfills the need of your target market, SEO success is impossible.

    For smaller law firms and one-man operations, the supremacy of great content is what allows you to compete with big multinational law firms.

    What makes for great content in the legal industry? Legal content that generates traffic includes:

    • How-to guides
    • Localized practice area pages
    • eBooks
    • Legal checklists
    • Tips for handling cases
    • Interviews with prominent legal figures
    • Guides to local events

    Victorious supports SEO for law firm brands by researching your target market and creating tailored, relevant content. It is the cornerstone of ranking on the first page of Google.
    By hiring a law firm SEO expert from Victorious, you take your content to the next level.

    Keyword Research for Law Firm Websites

    A landing page is the first place your prospective client lands on your website. To win new business, your landing pages must tantalize visitors to find out more. Your law firm has only a few seconds to make a great first impression.

    Yes, content is important, but content only succeeds when it fulfills the needs and expectations of the person reading it. For that, you need to choose the right keywords for your landing pages.

    Keywords are about intent. Successful SEO campaigns incorporate keywords that match user intent. Remember, good SEO is about so much more than traffic alone.

    But what makes a good target keyword for your law firm?

    • Popularity – It is pointless to target a keyword that nobody is searching for. You need to target keywords that are actually worth ranking for.
    • Relevance – Target keywords must relate to what you do. There is no value in targeting “divorce lawyers” if you specialize in auto accidents.
    • Competition – Competition is a key factor in whether targeting a certain keyword is viable. It could take months and years to reach the first page of Google for the most competitive keywords.
    • Conversion Value – Your keywords must have a high conversion value to be worth targeting. Using the power of data, we track down the keywords that are likely to lead to business from high-earning clients.
    • Targeted – The legal industry tends to serve a specific market. Picking highly targeted keywords enables firms to get the most bang for their buck when conducting SEO campaigns.

    At Victorious, we believe in balance. You want to target popular keywords, but you don’t want to be competing with law firms generating billions of dollars per year. After all, every dollar invested in SEO has to be returned in the form of new business to make the venture worthwhile. By tracking metrics like conversion value, we secure value for money in every SEO campaign.

    We choose the keywords that are likely to yield the highest ROI. Our specialist attorney SEO services use experts who will target the keywords that are likely to generate the biggest returns at the lowest cost.

    Link Building for Attorney SEO Marketing

    Read any reputable article online, and you will spot links throughout that content going to other websites. These are what we call backlinks, and the sites on the receiving end are investing in their SEO.

    Link building is an essential component of any SEO strategy, and the same goes for the legal industry. Most law firms continue to use outdated link-building strategies that most law firms are unaware that are hurting their businesses.

    At Victorious, we are committed to ensuring your law firm receives high-quality, high-value links to elevate you in the Google Search rankings.

    Why are getting the right backlinks so important for attorney SEO?

    To Google, backlinks are essentially a vote of confidence. If a website with a high domain authority rating links to your law firm, it shows that you are a reliable resource of insightful information. It also proves to Google that your organization is legitimate and reputable.

    Great backlinks increase the trust Google puts in your brand. Likewise, backlinks from low-quality websites mean you are likely to fall in the rankings.

    We work tirelessly to secure backlinks from reputable websites relevant to your industry. When you hire Victorious, we deploy the latest Google compliant strategies to associate your law firm with other trustworthy legal platforms and acquire those valuable backlinks.

    Technical SEO for Law Firm Websites

    Technical errors may be inadvertently holding your law firm down. Victorious’s approach to search engine optimization for lawyers looks beyond what a potential lead sees and ensures Google also sees what they want to see.

    If your website has technical problems, Google may have trouble inspecting your website. It may be unable to index your brand, which means your law firm will fail to appear where it should.

    What are some common examples of technical SEO errors?

    • Slow loading speeds
    • Mobile optimization issues
    • Duplicate content
    • Crawl errors
    • Missing HTTPS
    • Broken links

    This may sound like a different language to you. At Victorious, we can inspect your website and find the flaws that could make it difficult to rank.

    Thankfully, most technical SEO problems are relatively simple to resolve. With a law firm SEO expert, you can leave spend more of your time practicing law and less of your time worrying about metadata.

    Improve Your SEO, Improve the Client Experience

    The user experience plays a huge role in whether your SEO campaign succeeds. No amount of SEO will take your law firm to the number one spot if your website fails to make the grade.

    Google has recently made the user experience a major part of search engine optimization for lawyers. If nobody wants to stick around on your website, you will find it impossible to hit page one.

    • What are some of the examples of a client experience that could down your SEO campaign?
    • Unresponsive pages
    • Poor mobile experience
    • Bad design
    • Uncomfortable browsing
    • Missing features

    The simplest way to think about it is: would you hire a lawyer through your website? If you saw that website for the first time, would it make you want to schedule a call with them?

    With decades’ worth of experience in helping attorneys to improve their online presence, Victorious takes the time to browse your website and suggest where improvements could be made. Bounce rates, visiting times, and the number of clicks on-site are secondary factors that influence where you rank. The only way to improve these metrics is to create a great platform for your legal content.

    Connect with a law firm SEO expert from Victorious to determine whether you are providing the user experience your target audience expects.

    Wear the White Hat with Victorious SEO for Law Firm Sites

    Worried about lawyer search engine optimization tactics? Maybe you have been burned before? Perhaps you’ve heard about Google punishing websites that use certain tactics?

    Rest assured, we use only tried-and-tested white hat SEO tactics at Victorious.

    The penalties of not playing by the rules are severe, with entire agencies being deindexed from Google Search. Without a solid presence in Google Search, your firm will struggle to succeed.

    We understand how costly it can be, and so we check, double-check, and triple-check to ensure our strategies remain in compliance with the latest Google standards.

    Not black hat. Not even grey hat. White hat SEO is the only SEO we indulge in to protect the future of your law firm.

    Use Local SEO to Attract Customers

    Do you serve clients nationwide?

    Chances are, you focus on practicing law within your city, county, or state. For this reason, you have no reason to compete with the world. You want leads from those communities you serve. For that, there is local SEO.

    Local law firm SEO focuses on targeting users by geographical location. That means you will rank number one for “car accident lawyer in Minneapolis, Minnesota” or “car accident lawyer near me” rather than “car accident lawyer.”

    Investing in local SEO has the advantage of less competition. It means you have to spend less to get the results you want while seeing significant returns faster.

    Victorious helps firms to attract:

    • Clients in their area.
    • Clients looking for the services they offer.
    • Clients who are extremely likely to make a purchase.

    Today, local SEO remains one of the strongest client acquisition strategies in the legal industry.

    Outranking your local competitors does so much more than beating out your rivals. It has the indirect bonus of enhancing your authority throughout your locality, increasing your profile, and winning the endorsements of the communities you serve.

    Local SEO requires a tailored approach to guarantee success. Get your personalized local SEO strategy and learn more about attorney SEO services by contacting the Victorious team for a free SEO consultation.

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    How Victorious takes SEO ROI

    Campaign Metrics

    Get Local
    Gain Authority
    Drive Calls
    Get Leads
    Improve Blogs

    For most lawyers, the competition is local. There are only so many positions on the first page of Google. Fall out of the top three, and click-through rates fall off markedly.

    We are committed to ensuring you claim one of these top three spots to maximize exploratory traffic and generate leads. A visible presence locally and nationally on page one can be the turning point in your law firm’s story.

    Our team homes in on all-important geo-specific keywords. By leveraging geo-specific keywords, you can outflank your competitors and rank for the phrases real people are using to get legal representation.

    We take the time to do the research, test out different local keywords, and then implement them within your tailored SEO campaign.

    Many SEO agencies fail to understand that the legal industry is like no other. Reputation is everything. To establish that reputation, you not only need to be a talented legal mind with a commitment to securing the best possible outcome for your clients, you also need to show your expertise online.

    Growing your visibility online generates more leads, but it also opens the door to new partnership opportunities, which can become the defining factor in any law firm.

    The benefits of investing in your search engine optimization extend beyond traffic and lead generation. They carve out a niche for your brand to occupy.
    Many of our legal clients have not only landed high-paying clients, but they have also got their names into prominent legal publications and invites to industry events. It all starts with Victorious lawyer SEO.

    For our clients of smaller sizes, call tracking and email tracking helps convey ways in which organic traffic is being driven to your site, allowing us to continually optimize on-page and off-page attributes to boost organic traffic to your site.

    SEO is not just about Google search. For physical businesses, Google My Business is an essential source of clicks. Optimizing your Google My Business profile is another facet of any successful SEO campaign.

    People searching for a lawyer will often use extremely specific search terms, such as “car accident lawyer near me” or “[Community Name] personal injury lawyer” to get legal representation.

    If you can rank for these highly specific terms, users can either click on your site or use the number on your Google My Business profile to give you a call.
    Ultimately, being able to speak to a prospect person-to-person dramatically increases your chances of securing new business.

    Convert your traffic into real leads. Most SEO agencies talk about traffic – we talk about leads. Traffic numbers mean nothing if visitors are not converting. You make no return on your law firm SEO efforts until that traffic chooses you as their lawyer.

    Victorious is committed to turning traffic into leads through your calls-to-action, helping you optimize your web copy for both SEO and sales, and positioning you as the number one legal option for them.

    Investing in lead generation as the central pillar of your SEO strategy enables you to witness a direct return on your investment.

    Legal blogs don’t have to be dull.

    Your blog also doesn’t have to be a database of complex legal terms and dry cases. Showing your expertise via your blog and explaining to potential clients why hiring you as their lawyer can get them the justice they deserve can secure new clients.

    With SEO, your blog is likely the second most important page on your website. We work to drive traffic to your site via laser-targeted attorney SEO. Many of our SEO strategies utilize value-laden blogs and “how-to” guides as a lightning rod for delivering traffic at the local and national levels.

    Victorious SEO metrics dashboard for desktop and mobile
    Launch your SEO campaign

    How Your Law Firm Can Be Victorious

    At Victorious, we want you to focus on the things that really matter. Spend less time online and more time working with real people and securing the justice they deserve.

    Let us take control of your law firm’s SEO needs and elevate your organization to Google’s number one spot. Whether you want to be hands-on or hands-off, our team has everything you need to be Victorious.

    Let Victorious Be Part of Your Team

    Most attorneys cannot afford to invest in a dedicated online marketing team. Attorney SEO marketing with Victorious offers you the chance to invest in an in-house SEO team without paying the enormous cost of an in-house SEO team.

    When you begin an attorney SEO campaign with Victorious, there are no client relationships. We become an extension of your existing team.

    It is this commitment to seamless team integration that emboldens our legal clients.

    Our commitment to education is what helps our legal clients elevate their practices. Across your campaign, you will gain valuable SEO insights and learn about what makes our campaigns tick.

    Is legal SEO a “set it and forget it” thing? No, but once we have worked our magic, your site will continue to attract traffic and leads with little to no effort on your side.

    Working with a reputable SEO agency like Victorious that provides search engine optimization for lawyers is a long-term investment that drives a constant stream of traffic to your law firm.

    Rather than investing in paid ads or spending most of your time on social media, you are not paying rent for your position on Google. You are creating an asset that constantly generates value.

    How Victorious Approaches SEO

    While you could theoretically opt for the DIY approach, most lawyers (and most people in most businesses) simply lack the time to become an expert in another field. Victorious’s goal-driven, ROI-centric strategy ensures that your SEO team is on the same page as your internal team.

    Our tailored attorney SEO services focus on enabling you to achieve your goals. What success looks like is how you define it. Work with a law firm SEO expert that understands that and see how good SEO can transform the fortunes of any law firm in the land.

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