SEO Company for SaaS

Drive More Revenue With SaaS SEO Services

Great software deserves a great SEO strategy. Learn how high-quality content, relevant keywords, and other SEO efforts can boost your online visibility — and your conversion rate.

Commercially Viable Keywords

An impactful SEO strategy starts with your target audience. We'll identify keywords that match commercial intent, volume, and competition levels to drive qualified traffic to your SaaS website.

Optimized Product Pages

We'll help you improve high-value product pages using 200+ optimization factors so you outpace and outrank the competition.

Laser Focused Link Building

We have a proven track record of acquiring hyper-targeted links from new referring domains to any desired page on our SaaS clients' websites.

SaaS SEO Agency

When should software companies use a SaaS SEO company?

The easiest answer is: if you want to stand out in a sea of competition, the time is now to invest in SaaS SEO consulting.

For SaaS companies, search engine optimization is the most significant source to attract new customers. However, only 11% of SaaS businesses actually focus on SEO strategies and content marketing. This means there’s plenty of room for your business to rank at the top of the search engine results.

No matter your size or tenure, if you have a SaaS website, SEO is important. Even if you were the only player in the SaaS industry, SEO is still important.

Why? Because SEO is something you can control.

There are many things about your business that are beyond your control, like when a new competitor shows up, how well your customers respond to a new product launch, or your quarterly revenue.

But with search engine optimization, you can control your search rankings. And this means you have agency in how many people visit your site, which then influences the number leads you get and the revenue you can earn simply from showing up in Google Search.

When integrated into your existing marketing efforts, a SaaS SEO strategy is a direct investment in your business’ visibility and profitability. If your SEO strategy is fine-tuned, you can rely on that visibility to help your SaaS business flourish.

And with the help of a SaaS SEO agency to continuously optimize your site, you can make sure your success continues.


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    Learn How SEO Fuels a Prosperous SaaS Marketing Funnel
    Turn Organic Search Into One of Your Strongest Marketing Channels

    • How SEO Can Differentiate Your SaaS Company
    • Utilizing Search Terms to Uncover Customer Needs
    • How to Add Value With Quality SEO Content
    • How to Leverage SEO on Social Media

    How SEO Can Differentiate Your SaaS Company

    The SEO industry is constantly evolving, which means you need to stay on top of the latest trends and algorithm updates to maintain your SEO rankings.

    According to the Search Engine Journal, the first three organic search ranking positions result in nearly 40% of all click-throughs. But what about the rest? As it turns out, up to 30% of the other results on pages one and two don’t get any clicks. Zero. Nada.

    This means even if you are on page one, you need to be at a top position to attract the most traffic. That’s where SaaS SEO agencies come in.

    We empower companies like yours to find success online. Here’s how we do it:

    Keyword Research: We dial in on keyword groups that build on your existing momentum, align with your overall marketing goals, and drive high-conversion traffic to your most important pages.

    Site Architecture: We map target keywords to relevant pages and organize your site to enhance usability and improve crawlability so you can rank higher and attract more traffic.

    On-page SEO: We optimize your website using on-page SEO best practices, from updating page copy for improved search visibility to optimizing metadata so users and search engines understand a page’s purpose.

    Technical SEO: We uncover opportunities to improve your site’s performance and provide prioritized list of recommendations to improve crawlability and create a better user experience for visitors. 

    Content Creation: We identify areas for improvement in your content footprint, as well as helping you create new search intent aligned content that builds topical authority and ranks competitively in SERPs.

    Link Building: We tailor your link-building plan to your campaign goals, effectively bridging competitive gaps in unique referring domains, strengthening your website’s topical authority, and accelerating traffic gains to your most important pages.

    Reliable Reporting: You’ll have 24/7 access to our real-time reporting platform where you can view how our SaaS SEO services are driving measurable results for your business.

    Utilizing Search Terms to Uncover Customer Needs

    A traditional SaaS marketing agency might use an online survey to uncover new insights about your customer base. This can be effective, but it can also create an echo chamber since you’re only surveying an audience that’s already using your products.

    An experienced SaaS SEO consultant, on the other hand, will use SEO tools to perform keyword research and quickly uncover the challenges your potential customers face, the problems they need to solve, and what they need from you.

    Common themes become obvious based on how keywords rank, and you’ll be able to see what content is dominating search results so you can better understand what the competitive landscape looks like while identifying advantageous content gaps.

    Then you can begin mapping out an effective SaaS SEO strategy while leveraging high-volume search terms to create need-based buyer personas. Use these personas to identify the social media channels potential customers prefer.

    The more specialized your understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences, the more likely the content you create will capture (and retain) their attention.

    How to Add Value With Quality SEO Content

    Once you know the questions your potential customers are asking, answer them.

    Solve their problems and establish your company as the industry authority by delivering well-researched, informative content. Minimize product pitches; now is the time for classic, top-of-the-marketing-funnel content to generate brand awareness.

    Chances are you’re surrounded by thought leaders. Tap into them to brainstorm ideas for white papers, blogs, byline articles, infographics, and videos fueled by your keyword research.

    But exercise caution: as important as SaaS SEO is, don’t fall into the trap of shoehorning keywords into your materials haphazardly. You want to rank well and reach people with the right keywords, but high-quality information comes first and foremost. Well-written content with substance and credible sources is a beacon for your target audience. Remember, engagement is what you’re after.

    How to Leverage SEO on Social Media

    Naturally, you’ll want to use LinkedIn and Facebook to spread the word about new blogs, infographics, and downloadable content. Go beyond simply posting and engage with your social media audience by responding to comments or to other industry-related blogs and content.

    And don’t forget about mobile. Nearly 70% of buyers choose businesses that offer satisfying mobile experiences. Make sure your content is mobile-friendly.

    Victorious SEO decoration wave
    See how Victorious helped Everlance increase organic traffic by 300%
    SEO is always changing so leaving the strategy and tactics to Victorious has more than paid for itself.
    Ashkan Motamedi
    Head of Growth - Everlance

    Measures of Success

    Ecommerce Tracking

    For businesses whose POS (point of sale) is directly on their website, ecommerce tracking provides a comprehensive overview of data and allows businesses to identify scalable opportunities.

    By channeling the data through filters like organic search, social media, email, etc. we can trace the origin of traffic, which helps determine which channels are most effective and if your SaaS SEO tactics are paying off.

    Goal Tracking

    Goal tracking is ideal for larger businesses that want to increase traffic, leads, and revenue on their website.

    It shows how and when leads enter the marketing funnel so they can be handed off to the sales department at the appropriate time. It also allows you to see how organic search performs as a marketing channel so you can track the success of your SEO campaign with data-driven results.

    Increased Return

    Return on investment (ROI) is the ultimate metric of success when determining the effectiveness of your SEO campaign.

    As an expert SEO agency for SaaS companies, we share monthly performance reports that highlight your campaign’s return on investment. Analyzing which channel revenue is generated from, like organic traffic, helps us dial in and optimize them further. On top of allowing us to see notable wins, consistently monitoring your campaign’s progress also identifies areas for improvement.

    Understanding how SEO impacts ROI allows businesses of all sizes to scale their campaigns accordingly so they can boost their rankings, bring more traffic to their site, and increase their ROI.

    Call Tracking

    For smaller businesses, leads often come in via phone call or email sequences. Tracking whether these leads ultimately originated from organic search provides a quantifiable measurement of how your SEO efforts are impacting lead generation.

    Call tracking and email tracking allows us to continually optimize on-page and off-page attributes to boost organic traffic to your site.

    SEO Market Leader

    Why choose Victorious?

    Victorious empowers SaaS teams to scale quickly and acquire customers by devoting 100% of our efforts on SEO. Increase organic traffic and land first page search results. Need we say more?

    Top-Tier SEO Talent

    Every member of the Victorious team is experienced and knowledgeable in SaaS SEO strategy, so you only work with people who know how to make your campaign succeed.

    Relentless Pursuit of ROI

    Whether you’re a small business or a Fortune 500, every dollar counts. Our holy grail success metric is ROI — if you’re not earning, we’re not succeeding.

    Seamless Team Integration

    Gain all the benefits of an in-house SEO team without hiring an in-house SEO team. We work as an extension of your team with your ideas, goals, and marketing initiatives, while offering valuable SEO insight.

    Dedicated to Data

    Our campaigns are rooted in data that’s collected, sorted, and analyzed by SEO experts. By taking the guesswork out of the process, your campaign is set up for success from the very beginning.

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